Time to go
A quick hello before we depart today. It has been an extraordinarily busy few weeks preparing for the Atlantic crossing with the ARC. The boat is now full of food, water, new sail installed, safety gear checked, one new trampoline (will have to do the other in St Lucia), decks are clean and weather files downloaded. We have enjoyed our time in Las Palmas, but we are now looking forward to getting out of the Marina and having a day without a trip to Rolnautic or Hiperdino. We are ready to go sailing.
Our start is at 12:30 today Canary Island time. If you like, you can follow us on https://www.worldcruising.com/arc/eventfleetviewer.aspx.
We hope everyone at home is well. Miss you and look forward to hearing from you on the other side of the Atlantic.
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